If you would like to be inspired by other options for designing your custom pre-tied bow gift packaging, please be assured that you are in good hands. As we are a ribbon and bow manufacturer, we supply high quality controlled productions, which will best represent your company’s brand image when it is placed on the final product. At Papillon Ribbon & Bow, we can take your initial pre-tied bow designs and produce samples for you without delay. Or you can browse through our sidebar to inspire yourself on twist tie bow designs, and pre-tied ribbon with elastic attachment designs in consideration with the following options: Number of loops, Shape of the loops, Centers, Tails, Combined Widths, Multiple Ribbon Colors, Fancy Centers, Dual Bows, and Necktie Bows. Along with custom accessories, such as: Sequins, Pearls, Stones, Tie-Ins, Beads, Jewels, Buttons, and Rosettes.